Visual process support

An effective approach for various project activities is visual process management. It fosters deeper forms of collaboration and results in powerful descriptions and high-quality deliverables. If you wish to explain complex contexts or delve into a topic further, this method can also be a great solution. It can be used in everything from projects focused on generating early ideas to developing concepts and final solutions or providing support for work processes. Through interactive elements and hands-on components, the entire workgroup is engaged. The visual workspace creates clarity, deepened understanding, and contributes to inclusion, where the knowledge and abilities of all participants are harnessed.

Deliveries and deliverables

  • Vision work
  • Goal and strategy work
  • Change management
  • Service and product development
  • Concept development
  • Idea generation and idea formulation


Example: Book of methods

Together with Upplandsbygd, Leader Sweden, Maja På Näset produced a book of methods, a pdf for print and an interactive pdf for digital use. We designed the pdf with the purpose of encouraging and facilitating the application process. This book is also intended to streamline the administrative work internally at Upplandsbygd because applicants for project support can make more progress in their application before contacting Upplandsbygd. The delivery is editable for the customer, who can make minor text changes as the work evolves over time.


Example: Governance and Management

In the project “Styrsam – Governance and Management in Collaboration,” I worked together with a group from the education department at SKR (Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions). We developed a comprehensive visual support in the form of personas, image libraries, symbol banks, and videos to enhance communication. I constructed a visual work map to enable efficient work within a tight timeframe. With a clear overview of the target audience, production, and schedule, we could establish a common understanding, make informed decisions, and secure progress towards the final delivery.